Monday, January 30, 2017

Cube3 BOM

I keep needing to look up the part #s of the different chips on the Cube3 controller board, and I figured it was about time to just make a bill-of-materials sheet for easier reference. (Now if only I could remember how to make a proper table in this thing...)

   PIC32MX695F512L - Microchip

    8 MHz

Wifi module:
    MRF24WG0MA - Microchip - SPI interface

Bluetooth module:
     VDBTLE24 - Viper Design - SPI interface


  • BTLE radio - NRF8001 - Nordic Semiconductor -
  • USB bridge - PIC24FJ32GB002-I/ML - Microchip -

Motor Drivers:
    TI DRV8811

Motor Driver DAC:
    U16 - MCP4728UN - Quad 12b i2c DAC - internal VREF 2.048V -

    ST VN5050AJ - single channel high side driver with analog current sense

LCD Module:
    RX024C-1 - Shenzhen Rogin Electronics
    320x240 - 2.4" - TFT - 262K colors (65k in SPI mode) - 4-wire resistive touchscreen


  • LCD Controller - SPFD5408B -

Serial SRAM:
    U20 - 23K256 - 256Kbit (32KB) SPI SRAM - Microchip -

    Extruder carriage - Sunon 12V 0.58W
    Nozzles (2x) - Sunon 5V 0.5W
    Motor blowers (2x) - Sunon MagLev MF50151VX-B000-A99 - 12V 2.04W

Stepper Motors:
    Extruders - Minebea 17PM-K374BN02CN (also 01CN)
    Axes - Minebea 17PM-K374BN02CN

Linear Rails:

Extruder connector board: 
    U1 - AAHA - SOT23 (?) - 3.3V in, ? out
    U2 - GDX6 - SOT23 (?) - 12V in, 10V out
    U3 - 852 - SOT3 (?) - 12V in, 3.3V out
    Heater resistors - 15 Ohm
    Thermistors - 200k (?)
    Heater cutoff switch - Cantherm F20A

Filament Cartridge EEPROM:
    DS28E01-100 - Maxim - 1Kb Protected 1-Wire EEPROM
with SHA-1 Engine
    (very similar to DS2431, but with SHA-1)

1 comment:

  1. Filament cartridge Bowden extruder fasteners
    M3 x 8 flat head - to attach to cartridge
    M3 x 6 cap head - to keep extruder together
