Saturday, July 12, 2014


I figured that before I just start posting things, I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Kris, and I've been taking things apart since I was 8 years old. (Only recently have I begun to be any good at actually putting them back together, though).

I live in Seattle, WA, USA, and I've worked as a software/firmware test engineer since 2000.
You could say breaking things is my job.

I have always been fascinated by electronics. When I was small, before I knew what resistors and capacitors were, I would take apart broken (and sometimes working, much to my parent's chagrin) gadgets and stare for hours at the tiny, magical cities built on the boards. This sense of wonder has never left me; almost every day I learn something new. But it seems like the more I learn, the number of amazing things out there to learn does not get smaller, only bigger.

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